We develop a simplified model for studying the long-term evolution of giant planets in protoplanetary discs. The model accounts for the eccentricity evolution of the planets and the dynamics of eccentric discs under the influences of secular planet–disc interactions and internal disc pressure, self-gravity, and viscosity. Adopting the ansatz that the disc precesses coherently with aligned apsides, the eccentricity evolution equations of the planet–disc system reduce to a set of linearized ordinary differential equations, which allows for fast computation of the evolution of planet–disc eccentricities over long time-scales. Applying our model to ‘giant planet + external disc’ systems, we are able to reproduce and explain the secular behaviours found in previously published hydrodynamical simulations. We re-examine the possibility of eccentricity excitation (due to secular resonance) of multiple planets embedded in a dispersing disc, and find that taking into account the dynamics of eccentric discs can significantly affect the evolution of the planets’ eccentricities.