We address key points for an efficient implementation of likelihood codes for modern weak lensing large-scale structure surveys. Specifically, we focus on the joint weak lensing convergence power spectrum–bispectrum probe and we tackle the numerical challenges required by a realistic analysis. Under the assumption of (multivariate) Gaussian likelihoods, we have developed a high performance code that allows highly parallelized prediction of the binned tomographic observables and of their joint non-Gaussian covariance matrix accounting for terms up to the six-point correlation function and supersample effects. This performance allows us to qualitatively address several interesting scientific questions. We find that the bispectrum provides an improvement in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of about 10 per cent on top of the power spectrum, making it a non-negligible source of information for future surveys. Furthermore, we are capable to test the impact of theoretical uncertainties in the halo model used to build our observables; with presently allowed variations we conclude that the impact is negligible on the S/N. Finally, we consider data compression possibilities to optimize future analyses of the weak lensing bispectrum. We find that, ignoring systematics, five equipopulated redshift bins are enough to recover the information content of a Euclid-like survey, with negligible improvement when increasing to 10 bins. We also explore principal component analysis and dependence on the triangle shapes as ways to reduce the numerical complexity of the problem.

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