We use a statistical sample of galaxy clusters from a large cosmological N-body + hydrodynamics simulation to examine the relation between morphology, or shape, of the X-ray emitting intracluster medium (ICM) and the mass accretion history of the galaxy clusters. We find that the mass accretion rate (MAR) of a cluster is correlated with the ellipticity of the ICM. The correlation is largely driven by material accreted in the last ∼4.5 Gyr, indicating a characteristic time-scale for relaxation of cluster gas. Furthermore, we find that the ellipticity of the outer regions (RR500c) of the ICM is correlated with the overall MAR of clusters, while ellipticity of the inner regions (≲0.5 R500c) is sensitive to recent major mergers with mass ratios of ≥1:3. Finally, we examine the impact of variations in cluster mass accretion history on the X-ray observable–mass scaling relations. We show that there is a continuous anticorrelation between the residuals in the TXM relation and cluster MARs, within which merging and relaxed clusters occupy extremes of the distribution rather than form two peaks in a bimodal distribution, as was often assumed previously. Our results indicate that the systematic uncertainties in the X-ray observable–mass relations can be mitigated by using the information encoded in the apparent ICM ellipticity.

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