Coronal jets are observed above minority-polarity intrusions throughout the solar corona. Some of the most energetic ones occur on the periphery of active regions where the magnetic field is strongly inclined. These jets exhibit a non-radial propagation in the low corona as they follow the inclined field, and often have a broad, helical shape. We present a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation of such an active-region-periphery helical jet. We consider an initially potential field with a bipolar flux distribution embedded in a highly inclined magnetic field, representative of the field nearby an active region. The flux of the minority polarity sits below a bald-patch separatrix initially. Surface motions are used to inject free energy into the closed field beneath the separatrix, forming a sigmoidal flux rope that eventually erupts producing a helical jet. We find that a null point replaces the bald patch early in the evolution and that the eruption results from a combination of magnetic breakout and an ideal kinking of the erupting flux rope. We discuss how the two mechanisms are coupled, and compare our results with previous simulations of coronal-hole jets. This comparison supports the hypothesis that the generic mechanism for all coronal jets is a coupling between breakout reconnection and an ideal instability. We further show that our results are in good qualitative and quantitative agreement with observations of active-region-periphery jets.