We report the discovery and characterization of WASP-180Ab, a hot Jupiter confirmed by the detection of its Doppler shadow and by measuring its mass using radial velocities. We find the 0.9  ±  0.1 MJup, 1.24  ±  0.04 RJup planet to be in a misaligned, retrograde orbit around an F7 star with Teff  =  6500 K and a moderate rotation speed of vsin i  =  19.9 km s−1. The host star is the primary of a V  =  10.7 binary, where a secondary separated by ∼5 arcsec (∼1200 au) contributes ∼ 30 per cent of the light. WASP-180Ab therefore adds to a small sample of transiting hot Jupiters known in binary systems. A 4.6-d modulation seen in the WASP data is likely to be the rotational modulation of the companion star, WASP-180B.

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