We homogeneously analyse ∼3.2 × 105 photometric measurements for ∼1100 transit light curves belonging to 17 exoplanet hosts. The photometric data cover 16 years (2004–2019) and include amateur and professional observations. Old archival light curves were reprocessed using up-to-date exoplanetary parameters and empirically debiased limb-darkening models. We also derive self-consistent transit and radial-velocity fits for 13 targets. We confirm the non-linear transit timing variation (TTV) trend in the WASP-12 data at a high significance, and with a consistent magnitude. However, Doppler data reveal hints of a radial acceleration of about −7.5 ± 2.2 m s−1 yr−1, indicating the presence of unseen distant companions, and suggesting that roughly 10 per cent of the observed TTV was induced via the light-travel (or Roemer) effect. For WASP-4, a similar TTV trend suspected after the recent TESS observations appears controversial and model dependent. It is not supported by our homogeneous TTV sample, including 10 ground-based EXPANSION light curves obtained in 2018 simultaneously with TESS. Even if the TTV trend itself does exist in WASP-4, its magnitude and tidal nature are uncertain. Doppler data cannot entirely rule out the Roemer effect induced by possible distant companions.

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