Providing accurate predictions for the spatial distribution of matter and luminous tracers in the presence of massive neutrinos is an important task, given the imminent arrival of highly accurate large-scale structure observations. In this work, we address this challenge by extending cosmology-rescaling algorithms to massive neutrino cosmologies. In this way, a ΛCDM simulation can be modified to provide non-linear structure formation predictions in the presence of a hot component of arbitrary mass, and, if desired, to include non-gravitational modifications to the clustering of matter on large scales. We test the accuracy of the method by comparing its predictions to a suite of simulations carried out explicitly including a neutrino component in its evolution equations. We find that, for neutrino masses in the range Mν ∈ [0.06, 0.3] eV the matter power spectrum is recovered to better than |$1{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$| on all scales k < 2 h Mpc−1. Similarly, the halo mass function is predicted at a few per cent level over the range Mhalo ∈ [1012, 1015] h−1 M⊙, and so do also the multipoles of the galaxy two-point correlation function in redshift space over r ∈ [0.1, 200] h−1 Mpc. We provide parametric forms for the necessary transformations, as a function of Ωm and Ων for various target redshifts.