We point out an anticorrelation between the central dark matter (DM) densities of the bright Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) and their orbital pericenter distances inferred from Gaia data. The dSphs that have not come close to the Milky Way centre (like Fornax, Carina and Sextans) are less dense in DM than those that have come closer (like Draco and Ursa Minor). The same anticorrelation cannot be inferred for the ultrafaint dSphs due to large scatter, while a trend that dSphs with more extended stellar distributions tend to have lower DM densities emerges with ultrafaints. We discuss how these inferences constrain proposed solutions to the Milky Way’s too-big-to-fail problem and provide new clues to decipher the nature of DM.

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