We report the discovery of a spiral-like nebula with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and the results of optical spectroscopy of its associated star TYC 8606-2025-1 with the Southern African Large Telescope. We find that TYC 8606-2025-1 is a G8 III star of |$\approx 3 \, \rm \, M_{\odot }$|⁠, showing a carbon depletion by a factor of 2 and a nitrogen enhancement by a factor of 3. We also derived an excess of s-process elements, most strongly for barium, which is a factor of 3 overabundant, indicating that TYC 8606-2025-1 is a mild barium star. We thereby add a new member to the small group of barium stars with circumstellar nebulae. Our radial velocity measurements indicate that TYC 8606-2025-1 has an unseen binary companion. The advanced evolutionary stage of TYC 8606-2025-1, together with the presence of a circumstellar nebula, implies an initial mass of the companion of also about |$3 \, \rm \, M_{\odot }$|⁠. We conclude that the infrared nebula, due to its spiral shape, and because it has no optical counterpart, was ejected by the companion as a consequence of a very late thermal pulse, during about one orbital rotation.

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