We discuss the prospects of LISA for detecting neutron star binaries (NSBs) in the Local Group galaxies such as LMC and M31. Using the recently estimated merger rate |${\rm 1540 \, Gpc^{-3}\, yr^{-1}}$| and inversely applying the conventional arguments based on the B-band galaxy luminosities, we estimate the frequency distributions of NSBs in the local galaxies. We find that, after 10 yr observation with its current design sensitivity, LISA might detect ∼5 NSBs both in LMC and M31 with signal-to-noise ratios larger than 10. Some of the NSBs might be three-dimensionally localized well within LMC. These binaries will be useful for studying various topics including the origin of r-process elements.
© 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
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