Over the years, Digital Humanities Pedagogy has swiftly evolved, with a growing emphasis on the intersection between Computing and Humanities. However, in the associated literature, a lack of clarity has been found regarding the adoption of diverse approaches to DH pedagogy in different educational settings. This study tackles this research gap by analyzing the current state of knowledge in the field through a Systematic Literature Review. The aim of this review is to investigate the topic and provide an overview of the approaches currently being employed within educational practice, while also identifying areas that require additional investigation. The time frame of the reviewed studies spans from 2012 to 2022. After distinguishing between studies that deal with DH as a subject of study and those that deal with DH as a field of application, the analysis will focus on the latter category. Specifically, the review will examine the level of education and courses that employ DH educational practice, the types of technology used and their intended purpose, the literacies involved, and the aspects of digital resources and practices that are critically studied. By shedding light on the diverse practices employed in different educational settings, the findings reveal a notable gap in primary and secondary education and a lack of critical analysis toward digital resources and practices, suggesting important new directions for future research.