This article presents Oralia diacrónica del español (ODE: Spanish diachronic oral corpus), a new digital resource for the study of historical dialectology. This corpus was created using TEITOK, ‘a web-based framework for corpus creation, annotation, and distribution, that combines textual and linguistic annotation within a single TEI-based XML document’ (Janssen, 2016, p. 3047). ODE is a diachronic corpus of Spanish documents written between 1492 and the end of the 19th century that consists of two sub-corpora: a main corpus comprising of manuscripts from the old Kingdom of Granada (the modern-day provinces of Granada, Málaga, and Almería) and a control corpus comprising of documents from the Northern half of Spain. The texts include inventories of goods, witnesses’ testimonies in criminal trials and medical certificates. The final goal is to create a corpus of approximately 600,000 tokens, especially designed for the analysis of historical dialectal research. The new online corpus has successfully overcome the following difficulties: (1) It combines a philological/textual scholarship and a corpus linguistics approach. (2) It allows working in a single edition visualised in different formats by the end user in the digital resource. (3) Furthermore, it permits independent management, since scholars can upload and edit their work, having control over their own research without the need for an external person in charge of the digital resource.