The following article discusses current trends in digital methods used in historical cartographic source editing. Maps are often used not only by scholars interested in spatial history, but also by the general public. Due to increasing popularity of ‘maps online’, it is crucial to discuss, evaluate and classify current solutions and applications used in cartographic source editing. In the article the ‘edition’ is understood as the ‘critical representation of a historical documents’, and many types of map editions are considered. The level of map transformation: from raw image, through georeferenced map to spatial database constitutes the main axis of the division between various types of editions. On the very basic level (maps as images: digital libraries and collections), we only have a raster representation of a historic map, often supplemented by bibliographic metadata and the possibility to download it. The second level is geoportals with georeferenced maps, i.e. with spatial adjustment to modern geographic coordinates. The third, most complex level, includes elaboration of the spatial database with most important features (e.g. settlements, roads, land cover, etc.), which serves as the geographic index. The higher the map transformation level, the more useful the edition becomes. Nevertheless, more complex methods in map processing also should include more documentation about this process which is not always present within discussed projects. The main result of the article, apart from classifying existing applications and proposing their general types is to identify functionality and components of the so-called model edition of a historic map.