This study reviewed social support research with refugees in resettlement by assessing the scope of scholarship and examining methodological approaches, definitions, theoretical frameworks, domains, and sources of support. The scoping review followed a systematic approach that retained 41 articles for analysis. The findings indicate that refugee resettlement studies seldom conceptualizes social support as a central focus, defines the concept, draws from related theory, or examines multifaceted components of the construct. The review nevertheless yielded promising findings for future conceptual and empirical research. The analysis identified a wide range of relevant domains and sources of social support, laying the foundation for a socio-ecological model of social support specific to refugee experiences in resettlement. The findings also indicate an imperative to examine and theorize social support vis-à-vis diverse groups as a main outcome of interest, in connection to a range of relevant outcomes, and longitudinally in recognition of the temporal processes in resettlement.

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