Over the past two decades, Africa has witnessed a dramatic increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) despite a lack of significant changes in infrastructure and the host country’s policies. What are the motives to invest in Africa? How do these investment motives differ for firms from developed and emerging markets? Several studies empirically tested these questions, however, provided inconclusive results. By taking 735 estimates extracted from 51 studies and applying advanced meta-analysis techniques, this study examines the motives of FDI in Africa. We found that compared to market-seeking motive, the effect size of resource seeking and efficiency seeking is larger (smaller) on FDI attractiveness in Africa. In terms of effect size, the impact of asset-seeking motive on FDI is statistically comparable to that of market-seeking motive. Contrary to general perceptions, the impact of natural resources on FDI attractiveness in Africa is not different from market seeking for developed countries’ firms. Our results show that compared to GDP per capita, the effect size of accessing minerals and oil reserves on FDI attractiveness in Africa is positive and significant for global and emerging market firms. Our research shows that there is more likelihood of type I and type II publication selection bias in this research field.

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