
The North of England, particularly the North East (NE), has worse health (e.g. 2 years lower life expectancy) and higher health inequalities compared to the rest of England.

Sources of data

We explore this over time drawing on publicly available data.

Areas of agreement and controversy

Whilst overall health is improving, within-regional health inequalities are getting worse and the gap between the NE and other regions (particularly the South of England) is worsening. The gap in life expectancy is widening with substantial variation between deprived and affluent areas within the NE. Those living in the NE are more likely to have a shorter lifespan and to spend a larger proportion of their shorter lives in poor health, as well as being more likely to die prematurely from preventable diseases.

Growing points

We highlight wide, and in some cases increasing, inequalities in health outcomes between the NE and the rest of England. This health disadvantage and the north-south health divide are recognized; despite this, the situation appears to be worsening over the time.

Areas timely for developing research

Research to understand and reduce health inequalities is needed particularly in the NE of England where reductions could have enhanced the impact.

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