The confounding between fixed effects and (spatial) random effects in a regression setup is termed spatial confounding. This topic continues to gain attention and has been studied extensively in recent years, given that failure to account for this may lead to a suboptimal inference. To mitigate this, a variety of projection-based approaches under the class of restricted spatial models are available in the context of generalized linear mixed models. However, these projection approaches cannot be directly extended to the spatial survival context via frailty models due to dimension incompatibility between the fixed and spatial random effects. In this work, we introduce a two-step approach to handle this, which involves (i) projecting the design matrix to the dimension of the spatial effect (via dimension reduction) and (ii) assuring that the random effect is orthogonal to this new design matrix (confounding alleviation). Under a fully Bayesian paradigm, we conduct fast estimation and inference using integrated nested Laplace approximation. Both simulation studies and application to a motivating data evaluating respiratory cancer survival in the US state of California reveal the advantages of our proposal in terms of model performance and confounding alleviation, compared to alternatives.

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