We developed annoPeak, a web application to annotate, visualize and compare predicted protein-binding regions derived from ChIP-seq/ChIP-exo-seq experiments using human and mouse cells. Users can upload peak regions from multiple experiments onto the annoPeak server to annotate them with biological context, identify associated target genes and categorize binding sites with respect to gene structure. Users can also compare multiple binding profiles intuitively with the help of visualization tools and tables provided by annoPeak. In general, annoPeak will help users identify patterns of genome wide transcription factor binding profiles, assess binding profiles in different biological contexts and generate new hypotheses.
The web service is freely accessible through URL: https://apps.medgen.iupui.edu/rsc/content/19/. Source code is available at https://github.com/XingTang2014/annoPeak.
Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.