The number of computer-based cognitive tests has increased in recent years, but there is a need for tests focusing on the assessment of executive function (EF), as it can be crucial for the identification of early-onset neurodegenerative disorders. This study aims to examine the ability of the Flexible Attention Test (FAT), a new computer-based test battery for detecting executive dysfunction of early-onset cognitive impairment and dementia patients.
We analyzed the FAT subtask results in memory clinic patients with cognitive symptom onset at ≤65 years. The patients were divided into four groups: early onset dementia (EOD, n = 48), mild cognitive impairment due to neurological causes (MCI-n, n = 34), MCI due to other causes (MCI-o, n = 99), and subjective cognitive decline (SCD, n = 14). The test accuracy to distinguish EOD patients from other groups was examined, as well as correlations with pen-and-paper EF tests. We also reported the 12-months follow-up results.
The EOD and MCI-n patients performed significantly poorer (p ≤ .002) than those in the MCI-o and SCD groups in most of the FAT subtasks. The accuracies of the FAT subtasks to detect EOD from other causes were mainly moderate (0.34 ≤ area under the curve < 0.74). The FAT subtasks correlated logically with corresponding pen-and-paper EF tests (.15 ≤ r ≤ .75). No systematic learning effects were detected in the FAT performance at follow-up.
The FAT appears to be a promising method for the precise evaluation of EF and applicable distinguishing early-onset neurodegenerative disorders from patients with other causes of cognitive problems.