
Subjective memory concerns are characteristic of individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) and subjective cognitive decline (SCD), though subjective changes in executive functions have also been reported. In a cohort study, we examined the temporal stability of subjective report of executive functioning in a high education (mean = 16.8 years) sample of cognitively normal (CN) older adults and those with aMCI or SCD.


Participants (CN, n = 22; aMCI, n = 21; SCD, n = 24) and their informants completed the BRIEF-A and neuropsychological tests at two time points separated by approximately 1 year.


Analyses focused on those with diagnostic stability (95.7%). Participants with aMCI and SCD, and their informants, endorsed worse executive functions relative to CN at both time points. No group by time interaction was observed for subjective or objective measures of executive function.


Diagnostically stable CN older adults, and those with prodromal dementia conditions, report stable executive functioning at 1-year follow-up.

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